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Bible Time

This web site lays out an extensive and complete theory of how time works in the Bible. This includes dating all of the stories within the Bible and includes explaining how the Bible predicts modern headlines.


This chapter develops the theory of time in the Bible. The articles here form steps in a story. The starting point is how the Bible counts things and how the calendar is structured. The story continues with how time runs at different scales for prophetic purposes. Issues surrounding genealogies are the next step, as well as the need to use parallel calendars. Finally this section ends with the starting epochs for counting time.

  • Counting Numbers

    Modern people often use real numbers to count time intervals. This is useful in many situations but it is also prone to serious errors. This article explains counting numbers and how they differ from real numbers. The reason? The Bible was written with counting numbers. (1,684 words)

  • 1 Based Math -- Bible Mathematics

    Neither the original Hebrew nor Aramaic nor later Greek nor Roman counting systems have a digit for zero. Nothing was written nor counted using zero “0” in the Bible. The first item in lists of items is item number 1.

    Obvious? Yes, but modern people don’t always count this way. Using zero based counting as an interpretive grid of time references in the Bible is a source of major errors. (3,318 words)

  • Definitions of Biblical Days

    The calendar day is the basic unit of time in the Bible. This unit breaks down into finer units of time, watches and hours, and those sub-day units of time become important in Passion Week.

    Days are also combined to form larger units of time, called calendar time. Calendar time includes weeks, months, years, Sabbath and Jubilee year groups, as well as 10 fold jubilees and millenniums.

    To accurately measure time, in all of its various aspects requires a precise definition of the base unit for all time, the calendar day.

    In this article we develop a definition for the Bible’s Calendar day. (2,271 words)

  • Defining Biblical Months

    Bible months are a predictable 30 days each. No exceptions. There is no attempt to make the month synchronous with the movements of the earth’s moon. It also makes time counted with months quite precise. This article explains how we know this. (2,721 words)

  • Defining Biblical Years

    The purpose of this article is to show that Biblical Years are either 360 days or 390 days, 12 or 13 months. The long years fall on the Sabbath and Jubilee years within a 50 year cycle. Read on to understand why. (2,129 words)

  • Prophetic Counting

    When Joseph interprets the cup bearer and baker’s dreams he reveals an important clue: Each time God speaks a number that number is a reference to time. Since the Bible is God’s word to us, all counts within the pages of the Bible are references to time. This article explains. (1,214 words)

  • Time Transforms

    "Day" and "Time" are two words that have well defined, but multiple meanings. Knowing those meanings unlocks numerous Bible passages.

    Generally speaking the word "day" means a 24 hour day when applied to a person, year when applied to nations and a millennium when applied to God.

    All such meanings can be recursive and applied again. Jesus uses these meanings extensively when he is giving his parables in the Gospels. There is a similar set of recursive meaning that come from time units below the hour. Those are covered better when looking at Passion Week. (2,804 words)

  • Defining 'Fathers'

    In order to construct a Bible timeline we need a Bible chronology. No chronologies exist the Bible, only genealogies. Converting genealogies to chronologies is complex, and fraught with error related to the original language terms for father. This article uses examples to show how Bible genealogies usually skip generations. (1,774 words)

  • The Genealogy Classroom: Exodus 6

    The single best place for study of Bible genealogies is Exodus chapter 6. In this chapter the time decorations that provide the raw data for chronologies are seen in their purest, and most easily learned form. (3,129 words)

  • Using Parallel Calendars

    This article deals with the philosophy of constructing a timeline from the Bible. By not converting to a modern calendar the work will carry precision matched to the Bible’s natural time precision. To do this correctly means we need to carry the Bible's calendar all the way to the modern era. Then run it in parallel to modern calendars. (2,129 words)

  • Starting Epoch

    The Bible was written without the use of long distance calendar epochs like we are familiar with today. In order to reconstruct the calendar we must choose a starting epoch. Two times in Biblical history make good starting epochs. The earliest reasonable starting epoch is Adam’s 1st year. The latter reasonable starting epoch is the Exodus from Egypt. The actual references to time in the Bible must then be stretched out from from the epoch. This article explores. (1,522 words)


As written, the Bible counts years in small increments, usually years in the life of someone. Different eras have different textual riddles that must be unpacked in order to chain those references together. Each article in this chapter takes a different era, solving the textual riddles and then chains the year counts together. By the end of the chapter we have years from Adam assigned all the way to Ezra's era.

  • Timeline: Adam to Abraham

    More human history happened between Adam and Abraham than any other period. The time implied by this interval is captured in the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11. The key for finding the right overall time for this interval is hidden away in Luke. That key forces most, but not all, of the life spans in Genesis to be run together end-to-end. (2,848 words)

  • Timeline: Abraham To The Exodus

    Unlike previous generations, the Bible does not give Jacob’s age at the birth of his sons. Instead the Bible gives a reference from Jacob’s life to the Exodus directly. From that we can piece back together the years for the other events in the period. (5,081 words)

  • Timeline: Moses and the Wilderness

    Moses lead the people for 40 years in the wilderness. Caleb’s life marks the end of the use of genealogies which contain decorations establishing the Chronology until the time of the Kings. Even then the rules will have changed. (1,202 words)

  • Timeline: Judges

    This period has a major riddle, many more years are recorded about it than were actually lived. The key lives in Solomon’s temple construction were he states when that project was started. The result shows which year intervals are subsumed by the trunk chronology through the period. (1,807 words)

  • Timeline: Unified Kingdom Kings

    Three kings ruled over all the children of Jacob in ancient times. Those kings were Saul, David and Solomon. The dates for the main periods in the rule of these men can be known. At the end of Solomon’s reign the kingdom was divided by civil war and remains divided to this day. (1,348 words)

  • Timeline: Judean Kings

    After the civil war Israel had two thrones. The throne of the southern kingdom was located at Jerusalem, the historical capital. This throne outlives the northern throne of Samaria and establishes the chronology across this period in history. (2,683 words)

  • Timeline: Seventy Year Captivity

    The use of king’s reigns to establish dates ends at the fall of Jerusalem. For 70 years the city sat empty. At the end of this period a remnant of Jews returns and rebuilds the temple and wall. This chronology can be established using Bible time references alone and shows the second temple going up 500 years after Solomon’s temple. (732 words)


The Bible stops direct counts of years at the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon. It contains a series of parables about the Jewish return to Jerusalem in our modern era. Using those parables we can pick up the calendar after a 2550 year gap. Articles in this chapter show how this is done, establishing day-accuracy from text to the modern era.

  • Timeline: Modern Jewish Return to Israel

    The return of the Jews to modern Israel caps one prophetic story in the Bible. When was it to happen? What Bible year from Adam must we be in now? This article deals with these questions. (4,423 words)

  • Finding Modern Day-for-a-Year Dates

    The articles included in this section cover the time line from Adam and establish the rough alignment between modern Gregorian year numbers and Biblical years counted forward from Adam. What remains is to establish an exact, day-accurate relationship between the Bible’s 30 day calendar and the modern Gregorian calendar. (6,071 words)

  • Define: A Generation

    Once the Bible’s chronology is known with precision it is possible to start using that chronology to explain interesting passages. (1,624 words)

  • Using Time Bands to Study Time

    The text of the Bible is uneven in the date references it provides. Some periods, like Noah’s flood, are elaborated day-by-day while others, like the period from there to the Exodus, find time references only every generation. These differences lead to our categorization of Bible date references into Bands. (1,729 words)

  • Timeline: Creation Week

    How long was the Creation Week of Genesis chapter 1? This article explores. (1,840 words)

Finding Jesus’ Life Dates

This chapter contains articles that establish the dates for Jesus' overall life. This includes the angel visits, birth dates, age 12 temple visit and the dates for his death and resurrection.

  • Misconceptions

    There are a bunch of popular misconceptions about dating events in the New Testament. This articles explores some of the worst. (1,891 words)

  • Jesus’ Age 12 Visit to the Temple

    Jesus stayed behind at the temple when he was age 12. This is the only fixed event in his life (besides his birth) when we know his age with certainty. He explained to his mother that if she (and we) knew him we’d know he had to be in his "father’s house." This was the reason he had to stay behind in this particular year. If we can figure out the riddle we’ll know the specific year of this visit and that year will also fix the year of Jesus’ birth. (2,945 words)

  • Jesus’ Birth Date Riddle

    The birthday of Jesus is given in the New Testament in clear text. The problem is the clue is given as a riddle. Solve the riddle and learn why Lent lands were it does and why Herod killed the babies. (1,865 words)

  • Gabriel Visits

    The angel Gabriel tells Daniel a story that reveals when Gabriel will be appearing in New Testament times. Those appearances precede the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. (2,568 words)

  • Jesus’ Day 8

    When Jesus was 8 days old he was named, circumcised and presented to the community. Based on earlier dates, this date can be known. (414 words)

  • Day 40 -- Presenting Jesus in the Temple

    When Jesus was 40 days old his mother was clean and could accompany her new son into the temple at Jerusalem. The oldest Church holiday not based on Old Testament tradition remembers Mary’s 40 days of cleansing and helps confirm when this happened. (1,131 words)

  • March 25, Traditional Christian New Years

    The early Christian church bucked Roman New Years of January 1 and instead chose March 25. This messed up date calculations yet made a statement about the central event in Christianity. (987 words)

  • Introduction to the Dates of Jesus’ Ministry

    Jesus quoted Isaiah and revealed the length of his public ministry. That quote locks into the dates of John’s call to baptize in the Jordan. (2,222 words)

  • Total Life Length of Jesus

    The total length of Jesus’ life is given in several different ways. The day-accurate length of his life matched the number of years of his absence since Adam. The approximations given in the New Testament contain yet another puzzle. (883 words)

  • Dates Around 70 AD -- Jerusalem Falls

    The fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD was predicted in various places in the Bible. Jesus used the Sign of Jonah to warn the people around him, linking that sign to the visit of the Queen of Sheba. Gabriel suggested the destruction as measured from his visit to Mary at Jesus’ conception. Finally Matthew provides a chronology in his introduction. In this article we look at each of these and how they triangulate. (3,482 words)

  • Enoch and Jesus’ Age 12 Visit to the Temple

    Jesus’ life was a day-for-year repetition of the chronology of the old testament. The only time mentioned as an event in Jesus’ life and in the historical chronology is the age 12 visit to the temple, this pairs with Enoch’s ascension. Together the two stories provide the date of Jesus’ visit to the temple. This article explores. (943 words)

  • Ash Wednesday

    Ash Wednesday is the start of a roughly 40 day Christian holiday known as Lent. This is celebrated in various ways, but is generally a time of cleansing. This holiday is an ancient memory of Jesus' birthday. Dust you are and to dust you shall return. (902 words)

  • Introduction to Long Distance Triangulation

    There are a bunch of stories that can be used to triangulate on at least the year of Jesus' resurrection. This includes the cup bearer and baker’s dreams, the woman healed after 18 long years, the civil war in Israel, Noah’s Ark, and even Adam’s life. This article explores. (2,025 words)

  • Christmas

    The Christmas holiday lands at an essentially random date on the Bible Calendar. There are a few places in history where the date really has been on Jesus’ birthday. This article provides a date report showing the dates in question. (485 words)

  • Dating Jesus’ Baptism

    The New Testament chronicles the detailed events in Jesus’ public ministry. Was there a schedule that drove the events? This article shows why this was likely a replay of the historical chronology of the Bible. If so, the past 200 years were particularly important and there are dates still to come. (1,813 words)


The Book of Mark has a interesting feature. Jesus repeatedly crosses the Sea of Galilee by boat. When he gets off the boat he gives timed parables about historical events. These travels are historical parables measuring time forward from Noah. Articles here take each parable in turn.

  • Mark and the Ark

    The Book of Mark is unraveled using... Noah’s ark. This article explains. (486 words)

  • Demon Possessed Man

    The story of the Demon Possessed Man happens after the disciples get out of the boat. The story links prophetically to Noah’s flood and a period in history when the same demon was cast out. (1,435 words)

  • Jesus Heals a Girl Age 12 and a Woman Sick 12 Years

    After crossing the Sea of Galilee by boat Jesus heals a woman sick 12 years and a girl age 12. The two stories are pointing into history 12 times from Noah’s flood when two women are healed. This is the period in history of the Assyrian deportation. Several parables follow explaining that period in history. (2,619 words)

  • Jesus Feeds 5000

    Jesus takes the disciples by boat to a private place. After a time he feeds 5000. This parable marks 5000 years from Noah’s flood where Jesus begins to feed the people. The interval is the number of years from Noah to Jesus and is only off by 126 days. This article explores. (468 words)

  • Jesus Walks on Water

    Jesus sends his disciples ahead by boat then he meets them walking on the water. This is a parable pointing at the Red Sea crossing. This article explores. (1,787 words)

  • Yeast of Pharisees and Yeast of Herod

    Jesus summarized what he has been doing with a sermon to the disciples after another trip in the boat. The subject this time? Two forms of yeast. This article explores. (1,767 words)

Grand Tour

The Books of Matthew and Mark both contain a series of parables where Jesus gives editorial on history. The series starts with Adam. It continues with Bible history through Jesus' own era. It then continues with key events in world history from the past 2000 years. The final parable is Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem. This chapter contains articles that take each parable in turn.

  • Jesus Rebukes Peter

    The 1st Grand Tour parable is Jesus rebuking Peter. This is a parable about Adam gaining the world and loosing his soul. (731 words)

  • The Transfiguration

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about Noah. (1,071 words)

  • Jesus Heals a Mute Boy

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about Babel. (926 words)

  • Head Tax

    Matthew alone includes the story of collecting head tax. This is a prophetic story matching back to the time of Abraham. This article explores. (594 words)

  • Who is Greatest

    Jesus was asked who is the greatest in his kingdom. His answer is an illustration in chronological order. By studying the timing we can find who he considers greatest, the Patriarch Joseph. This article explores. (781 words)

  • Millstone Into the Sea

    Grand Tour provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. The Parable of the millstone being tossed into the sea is about going down to Egypt. (926 words)

  • Marriage and Divorce

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. The parable about Marriage and Divorce is about Moses. (918 words)

  • Jesus Blesses the Little Children

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about the children who crossed the Jordan. (626 words)

  • Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about Solomon. (1,179 words)

  • Leaving all to Follow Jesus

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about the Assyrian deportation. (1,057 words)

  • Jesus Predicts his own Death

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about Jesus’ death. (651 words)

  • Ten Become Indignant at the Two

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about Constantine’s era. (1,218 words)

  • Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus

    Luke provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This one is about Russia’s Christian conversion. (1,448 words)

  • Jesus Enters Jerusalem

    Mark provides a series of parables in chronological order matched to the overall story of the Bible. This story deals with Jesus entry into Jerusalem at the end of the age. (200 words)

Millennia Parables

There are a series of parables that give the flow of human history. These are normally measured in 1000 year blocks. This Chapter explores how this works and when they apply.

  • Peter and Moses’s Clues on 1000 Year Long God’s Days

    Both Peter and Moses explain that with God 1000 years are like 1 day. This is a key that unlocks Jesus’ time keeping as recorded in the Gospels. (993 words)

  • When Are the Bible’s Millennium Breaks?

    God has counted mankind’s time since Adam’s fall. Various event have fallen on past millennium breaks. What were those events? When are these millennium breaks? When is the next? (1,059 words)

  • The Wedding Day

    The first chapter of John provides an intricate prophetic calendar for various events between the start of Mankind at Adam and the wedding supper of the Lamb. (1,446 words)

  • The Time Story of the Raising Lazarus

    Jesus made a deliberate point of waiting two days after he heard that Lazarus was sick. When he finally got around to it, Lazarus had been dead four days. (1,043 words)

  • 3 Days in the Tomb

    Jesus comes out of the tomb on the 3rd day. Who else will do that and when? (801 words)

  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan

    Why is it important to know the pay the Innkeeper earned to help the Samaritan’s injured friend? Because it says how long the Innkeeper works for the Samaritan. (1,270 words)

  • Jesus Stays Behind at the Temple

    When Jesus was 12 years old he remained behind in Jerusalem After three days his family found him in the temple. If we knew him, we’d know where he had to be. (313 words)

  • Keep Watch

    When Moses explains that 1000 years are as a day, he also includes a watch in the night. Jesus picks up on this and uses a watch in the night story to reveal the season of his return. (390 words)

  • The Time story of the Woman at the Well

    The woman at the well starts to believe Jesus at the 6th hour. After two days her entire town has had a visitation of Jesus and is saved. (546 words)

  • 2000 Years From Jesus’ Life

    2000th anniversaries of every date in Jesus’ life and ministry provide part of the material we need to verify that we have the ancient dates correct. The dates began landing in 1998 and run into 2028. (1,233 words)

Jesus’ Passion Dates

The Passion of Jesus, the week of his crucifixion, is the most well documented week in all of the Bible. The timing of the week can be established as a high-speed replay of his ministry and therefore of all of human history. Unlike his ministry the week continues past his era and is highly prophetic for future, including end-times, events. There are 3 key sections.

  • Passion Week Time Principles

    Details follow in later articles, but the principle for the Passion Week narrative is this: At the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem He began yet another replay of the historical time line of the Bible. (1,574 words)

  • Jesus’ Time In Tomb

    Finding the exact prophetic ratios for Jesus’ Passion week involves a study of Jesus’ time in the tomb. This time was a match to Jonah’s 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a fish. By determining the total hours, and by making a guess as to what this meant then the math can be seen. With exact math in hand it then becomes possible to study out the rest of the week and fully understand what Jesus was doing... (1,775 words)

  • Passion/Easter Week Chronology

    The process for figuring out Passion Week’s chronology is simply to catalog all the time references in Passion Week. The key word here is all. In the following chart green is used to mark time references. Using those references like puzzle pieces it is possible to put together the week’s schedule using Gospel references alone. The following chart shows the entire week, with all key events drawn. (1,802 words)


This Chapter looks at the chronology across Passion Week.

  • Intro: Passion Harmony

    This website sections provides a harmony of the Gospels based on the historical chronology of the Bible. Jesus replayed the historical chronology of the Bible in his life, his ministry, and his passion. Knowing that structure allows a reconstruction of the Passion Week chronology using the prophetic schedule as the key. There is an article for each timed event which includes the scripture passages as well as modern headline fulfillments when known. (1,236 words)

  • First Hour of Week

    I've placed this here for reference. It is sunset on Saturday night, the first hour of the Biblical Calendar day of the week. (141 words)

  • Sunrise Hour

    This is the first hour of daylight on Sunday of the Triumphal Entry. (123 words)

  • Fetching the Donkey

    Jesus directs his disciples to fetch a donkey. This event is likely in preparation to the formal entry. (193 words)

  • Triumphal Entry

    This story matches Adam’s first year. (476 words)

  • Jesus In the Temple

    This entry springs from an obscure reference in Mark 11 where Jesus is said to have gone into the temple, then looked around and it being dark decides to go out to Bethany with the 12. (271 words)

  • Curses a Fig Tree

    On the way in on the second morning Jesus cursed the fig tree. The tree would come up again in further parables. (125 words)

  • This story is a prophetic match to Enoch’s ascension into the Temple in heaven in 4270 AA. It is also a match to Jesus’ age 12 visit to the temple where he stays behind. (238 words)

  • Leaves the City to Lodge

    This small reference in two books appears to be the match to Noah’s flood. Matches 6020 AA, the year of Noah’s flood. (129 words)

  • Fig Tree Withered

    The parable matches the flight to Egypt. The keyword is "millstone" which is the trips to Egypt for grain that Joseph had stored up. Jesus’ additional editorial deals with the brother’s lack of forgiveness towards each other. Matches 9071 AA, the year of going to Egypt. (240 words)

  • Jesus’ Authority Questioned

    A prophetic match to Korah’s rebellion at the time of Moses. Matches 9481-9540 AA. Notice that it is the elders, chief priests and scribes who come to Jesus. This is a prophetic match to Aaron, Moses, Joshua (scribe) and the 70 elders who went above Mount Sinai for dinner. (221 words)

  • Parable of Wicked Vine Dressers

    Parable of the Vineyard applies generally at the time of Solomon. Solomon behaves prophetically as a type of Christ. Matches the years 9991-10020 AA and more. The parable is telling a story that stretches across the time of the kings. (292 words)

  • The parable focuses on the issue of giving to God what he asks. The net is this: Don’t give it to God? Then give it to Caesar. The historical event is either the Assyrian Invasion (as charted here) in 10274-76 AA or perhaps the Babylonian invasion in 10390 AA. (1,231 words)

  • Place Prepared

    This is a prophetic match to John the Baptist. Several features match. First, time when the true Passover Lamb was sacrificed was when Jesus was crucified. This puts it on the millennium of his sacrifice, or any time on or after 11001 AA. (540 words)

  • The Request of James and John

    James and John want to sit on Jesus’ right and left in his kingdom. They will be part of that, they are disciples who match one-on-one to the tribes. The problem is these two are a team by themselves, and do not sit on either side. The other disciples get indignant and the entire episode erupts into an argument. (544 words)

  • Watch

    Jesus took a smaller group of his disciples and then called them to "watch" this is likely a pun on "watch" as in a 3 hour period of the night. Three times, over the next three hours, will Jesus repeat his actions of returning to find these disciples asleep. This carries the time line forward to about midnight. (167 words)

  • Goes Away to Pray

    Jesus goes to pray. (108 words)

  • Betrayal

    At this hour Judas arrives and betrays Jesus with a kiss. This event mimics the tribe of Judah’s conversion to Christianity around 12000 AA. Many interesting parallels between these stories and the prophetic events at the Christianization of Russia. This is also a prophetic match to Satan being bound 1000 years, which began at this era. (176 words)

  • Denial?

    Possible timing for Peter's Denial. (106 words)

  • Jesus Did Everything In Public

    Jesus is taken before Annas where he makes several important comments about how everything he did was done in public. This is a prophetic reference to the time of Martin Luther and "Solo-scriptorium." (252 words)

  • Jesus Before Caiaphas, Will Come With Power

    This scene of the trial finds two direct references to time. The first, mentioning the time until Jesus’ return, is the reference to the "3rd day" rebuilding of the Temple. This is the action Jesus will be part of at his return. The second is Jesus’ prophetic reference to his return in power from the sky. (353 words)

  • Peter’s Denial

    Another of Peter's Denials. (114 words)

  • Jewish leaders gather and decide to send Jesus to Pilate. (155 words)

  • Before Pilate

    Jesus brought before Pilate. (108 words)

  • Jesus brought before Pilate again. (129 words)

  • Jesus brought before Herod. (112 words)

  • Pilate Yet Again

    Jesus before Pilate yet again. (107 words)

  • Replay Hour 70: Jesus Presented As King

    The following reference forces Wednesday into the picture since it cannot be before 9:00 AM on Thursday. It is also after an evening arrest which by this reference must be on Tuesday PM. (184 words)

  • Via Dolorosa

    Timed here simply as sunrise. (125 words)

  • Simon Carries The Cross

    Timed as the next hour. (113 words)

  • Jesus Crucified

    This event lands prophetically at 19020 AA. It is a match to the end of the 1000 generations of 19 years. Note Jesus is "numbered with the transgressors" at this point, as the race can now be "numbered in the census" as anyone passing into their 20th year would be. (161 words)

  • Behold Your Son

    Technically, hour 92 is 1 hour past the end of historical time line symmetry about the Exodus back to Adam. Likely this hour is also symmetric, back to what was labeled at the start of this table as "hour 0." (248 words)

  • Darkness Over The Land, Hour 1

    Across the following three hours there was darkness over the land. The darkness continues until the death of Jesus. (173 words)

  • Darkness Over Land, Hour 2

    This is the 2nd hour of darkness. (107 words)

  • Darkness Over Land, Hour 3

    This is the 3nd hour of darkness. (107 words)

  • Jesus Dies On The Cross

    At the end of the 3 hours of darkness Jesus dies on the Cross. (268 words)

  • Jesus Put In Tomb

    This is when Jesus was put in the tomb. (127 words)

  • Special Sabbath Begins

    John makes the point that there was a special sabbath, not a normal Sabbath, that caused the quick removal of the bodies from the cross. This special Sabbath is the day that began at 6:00 PM on Thursday, instead of Friday as would be expected for a regular Sabbath. (155 words)

  • Buy Spices

    After the weekly Sabbath the women are able to buy spices. (137 words)

  • Empty Tomb

    Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and finds the tomb empty. (167 words)

  • Morning Encounter

    After the disciples left for home over the empty tomb, Jesus appeared to Mary. (117 words)

  • Jesus Appears To The Disciples

    On the evening of that first Sunday Jesus appeared. (157 words)

  • 1 Week Later: Doubting Thomas

    This hour is a week later, the first day of the second week when the disciples are gathered together again. Famous doubting Thomas. (172 words)

  • 40 Days Later: Ascension

    This date is 40 days after Resurrection Sunday. This is close to Jesus’ departure. It is a prophetic match to the time of the general ascension. It closely matches the end of 19,000 days since the start of the modern day-for-a-year time line. (See 18,700 in the label above.) (225 words)

  • 50 Days Later: Pentecost

    This was 50 days later and it is the last day in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. This is when the power had come. (174 words)


Looking at just about any interesting problem requires specialized tooling. In the case of Bible Time, the tooling is mostly software. This tab provides a full range of software tooling for understanding time as described in the Bible.

  • Gregorian Calendar Query

    This page provides a cross-calendar tool for querying a month modern Gregorian calendar dates. These dates are also called "New Style" or NS dates for short. (171 words)

  • Julian Calendar Query

    This page provides a cross calendar tool for querying a month of dates on Julian, or 'OS' calendar. (236 words)

  • Bible Calendar (AA) Month Query

    This page provides a cross calendar tool for querying a single month on the Bible's AA Calendar. This measured from Adam, After Adam, or AA, for short. (172 words)

  • Day By Number -- AA Number

    Use this page to look up a day by AA day number. Results are displayed on several other calendars. (162 words)

  • Day By Number -- JD Number

    Use this page to look up a day by Julian Day Number. Results are displayed on various calendars. (143 words)

  • Days In Years

    This form displays how many days are possible when a certain number of Biblical years are known. The number of days in a year average 364.8 days/year. But, exact years are never this length. This variance is because of leap year constraints. (1,320 words)

  • Birthday Calculator

    Given someone's birthday, we can infer some things about someone's life. This page provides the tool for finding someone's "Life Diary" and "Birthday" story. (1,273 words)

  • Clock

    This page gives the definition of the Bible clock. It also explains why each time is displayed as it is and develops a model clock for use with prophecy. (4,407 words)

  • Annual Prophetic Calendar

    This page provides an interactive tool for looking at the timing of the prophetic months within any given year. It also explains the theory involved and how this can be used prophetically. (1,634 words)

  • World Clock

    This page tells time in several ways. Using it you can convert between times given at different times around the world. (164 words)

Bible Calendar

Using the Bible Calendar as a modern instrument for understanding time is the purpose of the articles found under this tab. These articles are broken down into 2 sections, the first with background information, the second with details on each holiday.

  • Bible Calendar

    Everything we have explored so far allows construction of a running calendar that shows the date in the format used to write the bible. This page introduces that calendar. (219 words)

  • Holiday Map

    There is an amazing design to the holidays found on the Bible Calendar. Each holiday maps to both a New Month and a tribe. Knowing the map helps considerably with understanding the purpose of each holiday. (1,804 words)


This chapter contains detailed specifications of the various calendars that are important to studying time in the Bible. This includes the Gregorian and Julian calendars. It also addresses the problems with the Roman calendar.

  • Modern Gregorian Calendar Introduction

    The modern calendar in use throughout most of the world today is the Gregorian calendar, named after the Pope who introduced it in 1585. It was not adopted in the United States until an act of the English Parliament made it law throughout the English Empire in 1752. Since that time most other countries have adopted the Gregorian calendar. (1,275 words)

  • Julian Calendar Specification

    The Julian name for calendar structure is ambiguous. Technically is applies to the Roman calendar introduced in 45 BC. The name is popularly applied to the Christian Era calendar with New Years on March 25. (825 words)

  • Roman Calendar Introduction

    At the founding of the city of Rome the calendar had a 10 month calendar with 304 days per year. It underwent successive revisions until 5 AD when it stabilized around a structure that remained in use in some places into the 1900s. (2,783 words)

  • Bible Calendar

    The Bible was written using a specific calendar. That calendar is not used anywhere in the world today. Its structure defines how God counts days, months, years and larger quantities of time. When God says 1000 years are as a day, he means 1000 years on this calendar. (1,954 words)

  • Day of Week

    The day of the week has been stable across the entire era. Validation that the calculations are done correctly rests in part on finding events that fell on known days. A good example is the ancient fall of Jerusalem. (310 words)

  • Day Numbers

    After the invention of the computer it became important to number days by individual numbers. Astronomers use Julian Day Numbers. This website uses AA Numbers. Both show up in all date reports. What are they, how do they count? (592 words)

  • Report Format -- Key to full date reports.

    Throughout the articles on the Bible Time website a standard format of date report is used. That format usually contains 9 fields, though a short form is also used with 5 fields. The values of those fields are different ways that the individual day in question is known. This article explains the meaning of each field. (3,315 words)

  • Bible Time Clock

    Early in 2004 I was able to unravel the prophetic time line of Jesus’ passion week. The bottom line structure is this: Each hour of events in that week map to individual weeks in his public ministry. (A 7 day/1 hour ratio) These, in turn, map at 30 historical years to 1 ministry day back to the Bible’s historical time line from Adam. Taken together these ratios imply this: Each hour in Jesus’ passion week matches 210 years in the Bible’s historical chronology. When properly charted and compared against the historical time line it becomes clear that Jesus was adding editorial through the week. In other words Jesus understood this detailed prophetic replay. (3,583 words)


This chapter contains notes on serious issues when dealing with historical time. This includes the use of zero, date drift and others.

  • Warnings on Zero

    Ancients had no zero digit. They counted time using strictly 1 based counting numbers. Modern Astronomers have introduced a year zero between 1 BC and 1 AD that historians would not have acknowledged. This introduces errors. (635 words)

  • Date Drift

    By changing to a new calendar Pope Gregory began a process that has obscured when events in history actually happened. This is known as "drift" error. (1,154 words)

  • Stable Era

    The calendar stability that we are familiar with today does not go back indefinitely into the past. Before 5 AD it was very unstable. Use of historical dates from before this point has problems. (758 words)

  • Tolerance

    Use of precise dates in otherwise imprecise periods of history is one clue that someone is cooking the books. What tolerance should be applied to events? (443 words)

  • Measuring Days

    Issues on measuring days when a day is given prophetically. (2,163 words)

  • Auditability

    The tools that are available on this website set out to definitively solve a specific problem with accountability and auditability. It helps to understand the problem, and how these tools set out to fix that problem. (2,374 words)

  • Prophetic Ratios

    The Bible is written using a standard set of prophetic time ratios. Knowing those ratios is important because it allows readers to unpack the prophetic meaning of various passages in the bible. This article summarizes the ratios and provides links to supporting articles that define the various ratios. (1,206 words)

Frequently Asked Questions

Along the way there have been many, many questions. This Chapter takes the best and deals with them.

  • History of the Bible Time Project

    I have been working on documenting this Bible Time Theory since January of 1998. As Bible studies go this study is larger than all other Bible related studies except for those dealing with the original language grammars and vocabulary. It encompasses all direct (and many indirect) references to time spread throughout the entire Bible. The printed Bible Time charts have roughly 6000 end notes, if that helps establish scale. (2,534 words)

  • When is... Are you sure?

    A frequent question leveled against the Bible Time project involves asking when something happened in history. Usually the answer is rejected out of hand because it seems different than something someone has learned before. In this FAQ we tour some of the common historical dates and then look at Jesus’ dates suggested by the same system. What we show here is a thin slice of potentially thousands of dates that all work together consistently. On the witness of Jesus and his life we assert the system is trustworthy. (3,651 words)

  • When is the Rapture?

    Rapture is a keyword with certain special meanings ascribed to it in various end-times theories. If it means the departure from planet earth of the human race, then we can find the date: 4000 years from the birth of the Patriarchs, 2000 years from Jesus’ own ascension and 7000 years from Noah’s flood. Instead of dating the event relative to the tribulation, we date it relative to the general resurrection, a much more fruitful approach. (1,400 words)

  • Are the headlines random?

    Does the day for-a-year story just hit random headlines? A common question. (1,935 words)

  • Those days will come like a Thief in the night

    Objections are often raised that this period in history will surprise everyone like a thief in the night. This thief motif occurs often in scripture. It applies to non-believers. The Bible passages that use the thief motif teach that followers of Jesus, paying attention to him, will know the timing of his return. (1,294 words)

  • It is not for you to know the time.

    Acts chapter 1 is often used as a reason why we cannot know the dates surrounding the return of Jesus. Jesus told the disciples it was not for them to know the times. This charge does not exclude a later generation from knowing. Jesus also included one of the signs that would identify his soon return. (881 words)

  • Not even Jesus?

    Jesus told his disciples that nobody but the father knows the date of Jesus’ return. This is a problem since Jesus is God. Jesus limited himself to a human form while here 2000 years ago. He was one with the father, and still is, and knowledge was not withheld. The problem was one of significant time distance from the question and the structure of the answer based on a specific sign. This article explores. (1,884 words)

  • Daniel’s 70 Weeks: Revealed

    The most frequently asked questions here at Bible Time is about Daniel’s 70 weeks. Even when not asked as a question, we do get preached at over how this supposedly works. This article reviews the original prophecy, provides the questions we usually ask when debunking pop Christians, then provides exact timing for the 4 known major fulfillments of Daniel’s 70 Weeks. (6,890 words)

  • Does Time End?

    Many things in the creation wear out and die. Time, though, is not one of these. A clear reference in the Psalms explains that time does not end. (638 words)

  • Left Behind

    The Bible Time project is often compared to the Left Behind Series. Are they similar? No. Bible Time actually calls out real-world headlines. It has been doing so for more than a quarter century. This article explores why Left Behind is what has happened to people who follow that series. (1,779 words)

  • Bible Code?

    Michael Drosnin wrote a book, The Bible Code, that purports to show how the Bible can be used to uncover details about headlines passing now. (289 words)

  • When is the tribulation?

    Many folks sit around waiting for a special period of 7 terrible years. Funny, Revelation does not mention 7 years even 1 time. (349 words)

  • Thoughts on Christian Jargon and how it blinds

    One of my favorite Bible study subjects is actually a simple game. The group is asked, "What does it mean to be a Christian?" Each person, in turn, is free to answer the question. They must be complete, and they must state the answer for everyone else to hear. (1,036 words)

  • Lots

    This article explains our history and current understanding surrounding the Christian practice of "casting lots." It started in the late 1990s as a game. It grew into a indispensable part of our regular walk with Jesus. (6,065 words)


This chapter has a series of reports that look carefully at some time related question in some Bible passage.

  • Report on Jesus' 2000th Anniversary Dates

    This article works out the anniversaries of the main dates of Jesus. These dates appear to inform may key dates across the 2020s. (1,697 words)

  • Report on when the Kings of ancient Israel Reigned

    The kings of ancient Judah were under David’s covenant. Covenants are usually measured with their own calendar, starting at the day the covenant starts. It may be that the king’s reigns are given as covenant time, rather than calendar time. This report indicates this is quite possible with Judah’s kings but not with Israel’s. The math for Judah’s kings works out correctly to the day across more than 400 years. (597 words)

  • Kings Table Prophetic Jubilees

    Each of the ancient Judean Kings appears prophetic as an indicator for some event in the history of one of the ancient tribes. This article introduces the topic. (934 words)

  • King's Lives

    The lives of kings appear to have special prophetic uses in the main timeline. This article provides details. (2,456 words)

  • Report on Exodus Census Counts

    The future history of the people of ancient Israel is occasionally seen chronologically in the counts found in the Bible. Once such place is the counts at the Exodus. These counts map to the number of days in 3500 years, a match to the 70 jubilees the world is now finishing. There are some detailed issues. This page explains and provides interactive tool for exploring. (1,845 words)

  • Passion

    This page lists all the reports from across the Passion Week Harmony. It provides reports for every single hour so prophetic dates can be studied across the modern passion replay series. (1,003 words)

  • Creation Week Math

    There are a variety of ways that the creation week chronology can be charted. This article explores one such way. Where each "day" or age, in the creation story is a year of days where each day is 1000 years. (478 words)

  • Research Report on 1 Chronicles 9

    This passage helps identify important points in world history. The three indicated here are the rise of the Christian Church at Rome, the Rise of Christianity in Russia and first war after Israel’s independence in 1956. (411 words)

  • Hiram’s gift of 120 Talents of Gold to Solomon

    Hiram gave Solomon 120 Talents of Gold. That gift points at the timing of the gift of gold in the New Testament, the gift of the Magi to Joseph and Mary. This report explores the math. (595 words)

  • Elijah, Obadiah and the Bull on Mount Carmel

    Elijah’s offering on mount Carmel suggests a chronological story. This article explores. (490 words)

  • Research Report on 1 Kings 19

    There are various counts of things buried in the Bible’s story. One such story is in 1 Kings 19, where God reserves 7000 for himself. One such placement is as 7000 modern days, as shown here. Note: 7000 Historical days is more likely than this rendering. (350 words)

  • Research Report on 1 Kings 20

    1 Kings 20 is another chapter with large counts given in the story. This report suggests a possible modern placement. Since being written my sense of the starting epochs has changed. Left here as an example of how this might be done. (362 words)

  • Jesus’ Ministry Year

    The ratio of 30 historical years to 1 day is the ratio that reveals Jesus’s schedule across his ministry year. The schedule revealed by this ratio appeared to give the dates for the important events across Jesus’ year of ministry. (896 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 2

    The sacrifice given by Solomon at the dedication of the temple appears to indicate the length of time the temple would stand. Since the exact date of his dedication is unknown, we start at the end of Solomon’s temple and work backwards to suggest the dedication date. The math suggests this works. (551 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 12

    The wars between Israel, Judah, and surrounding peoples generate a form of census count that appears prophetic for events in future time. This page explores an Egyptian attack against Judah. (602 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 13

    The large counts of people found in the Bible are often prophetic for large intervals of time. This report looks at a time when the Northern Kingdom lost 500,000 men. The prophetic interval points at the early 400s when Rome was attacked. (268 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 14

    The large counts of people found in the Bible are often prophetic for large intervals of time. This report looks at a time when Judah defended itself from Ethiopians. (491 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 17

    The large counts of people found in the Bible are often prophetic for large intervals of time. This report looks at a time when Judah grew strong under the reign of Jehoshaphat. (597 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 35

    Josiah’s year 18 Passover animals suggest a prophetic offset to a full sacrifice. This report runs the math. (325 words)

  • Research Report on Second Samuel 24, David’s Evil Census

    In Second Samuel chapter 24 God's anger against Israel and Judah causes the him to incite David against Israel and Judah by causing David to conduct a census. This brought the country under wrath as the king was not to do this without collecting a tax. This chapter contains a set of numbers that predict a series of events in the future history of the world. We look at the math here. (1,667 words)

  • Research Report on 12 Years

    This report shows how running 12 years across a Jubilee is impacted by the longer years in the 49th and 50th years. (1,650 words)

  • Research Report on 150 Months

    This report shows off 150 months. The on the ground time for a run through Psalms. (571 words)

  • Solomon’s temple Dedication

    Solomon sacrificed a very large number of animals at his temple dedication. Those counts seem to point across the age. This report shows the math. (472 words)

  • Research Report on Ezekiel’s Dates

    There are different ways to track the specific dates given by the prophet Ezekiel. One way is to assume they all offset from their historical period to the modern era. If so the stories indicate dates beginning in April, 2002. This report explains and reveals the modern dates indicated. (960 words)

  • Fractal Math

    Is history described with a fractal? Day-for-a-year repetition, seen now in the headlines and in ancient times with the life of Jesus, might be the evidence of fractal math behind the story. This article explores. This is a big report. (281 words)

  • Report on Israel as a person

    Birthdays are interesting. If they are time as a "bond man" would could them, then the date of birth begins a new calendar. The following report does that for the nation of Israel. (395 words)

  • Research Report on King David’s Life

    King David was exceptional in the story of the ancient Kings. He is the only king who reigned over all Israel who’s life length is given in the Bible. The other kings, who’s life length is given, reigned over Judah or Israel alone. David is prophetic for Jesus’ reign. (439 words)

  • Psalms

    This page is built on a hunch. Does the 150 psalms match the 144,000 at 1 psalm per thousand? The 144,000 have a 6,000 day "halo" that extends another 6000 days. This sums to 150,000 days and suggests strongly that Psalms is an overlay to the tribes, with a lot more coverage. This page explores the details, and gives enough evidence to support the thought. (1,415 words)

  • Revelation 7

    Revelation Chapter 7 contains one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. Someone, or something, of a count of 144,000 are sealed. What does that mean? Something to do with time, of course. In this case 144,000 days. It also provides the foundation for finding each of the tribes named in the chapter. This report provides the dates indicated by the story. (518 words)

  • Early Revelation 7

    This report is a natural companion to the previous Revelation 7 report. It backs up 2550 years for each of the known Revelation dates. Did this happen in history? (309 words)

  • Revelation 8

    This report is based on the Revelation 7 report that establishes the dates for the seals of Revelation chapter 7. In that earlier report the 7th seal is given a date. From here, the Revelation chapter 8 dialog sets out a chronological riddle. This page attempts to give the dates. (1,672 words)

  • Same Date Synchronization

    There are various times when the 30 day Bible calendar has month and day numbers that are the same as a current Gregorian Calendar. (271 words)

  • Long Replay, later called Tier 3

    Introduction to the Tier 3 series of prophetic dates. This is used in the charts. (1,703 words)

  • Tier4 Dates

    This article covers the math for a possible 4th tier. It is inconclusive and has not yet made it onto the charts. (1,433 words)


This page is a bibliography of sorts for the Bible Time web site. Books and Web Sites that readers might find interesting are listed here.

  • About

    ...for truly I say to you, a great many prophets and righteous men have longed to see what you see... (Matthew 13:17) (1,182 words)

  • Statement of Faith

    Saying that we believe in the authority of the Bible and the divinity of Jesus is usually not enough for skeptics. Rather than write a new document, we offer as our statement of faith the Nicene Creed. (758 words)

  • Bible Time Vision

    What started out as a simple study of the chronology of the Bible became more, much more. This website started after a prompt from Jesus to dig deeper into the study of time in the Bible. (2,122 words)

  • Phil Stone’s Biography

    I have been a born-again believer in Jesus since October of 1979. Because of various job changes and schooling I have been members of various churches, including Free Methodist, Foursquare, Presbyterian, Lutheran and non-denominational. When this project began I was an elder in a Church in the Seattle area. (881 words)

  • Contact

    Contact us in the following ways. (171 words)

  • Share

    Share this website with this QR Code. (104 words)

Modern Exodus Plagues -- Introduction

The Book of Exodus contains a schedule for an extensive set of End-Times Plagues, modeled after the narrative for the ancient plagues on Egypt. This series of prophetic dates has been known generally as the "Financial Crisis." Each of the dates in the series has generally carried a series financial system headline as that system of financial slavery is both plagued by Jesus and collapses for all the world to watch.

  • Exodus Plagues -- Calendar

    The Theory section of this site provides a long and intricate introduction to the process of rediscovering the 30 day/month calendar used to write the Bible. That Bible Calendar is discoverable, and still running and it is possible to establish the current date using that calendar. (892 words)

  • Summary of Exodus Plagues Dates

    The basic idea for how the Exodus Plagues are dated uses a mathematical riddle. Each occurrence of a "day" in the Hebrew narrative of the Book of Exodus becomes a modern month. (575 words)

Noah Replay

In 2029 there is a prophetic replay of the 7000th anniversary of Noah's flood. This chapter provides various articles on this most serious of headlines.

  • Noah Dates

    This article explains the dating of an important modern prophetic replay of Noah. (1,100 words)

  • Index to Scripture References

    This page lists all the scripture references on the website. Sorted by books. Linkable back to the referencing pages. (127 words)

  • Site Map

    Use this list of chapters and articles to manage a complete read of everything here. This is listed in normal reading order. (121 words)