Passion Week, Prophetic Replay Hour: 67
Passion Week As LivedPassion Week Hour: 0087 11019-10-07 DH 03:1:01 AA Day of Week: Wed ✹ Hour of Day: 3 Prophetic Biblical Years13861 AA through 14070 AA | Modern Passion Prophetic12898-09-03 AA - 12899-12-08 AA Modern Day/Year Dates13003-05-14 AA - 13003-12-13 AA18 June 2012 NS - 13 January 2013 NS Modern 2009 Quick Replay13000-11-02 DH 02:1:01 AA Modern 2000th Anniversaries13019-10-07 DH 03:1:01AA |
Pilate Again
Jesus brought before Pilate again.