Passion Week, Prophetic Replay Hour: 329
Passion Week As LivedPassion Week Hour: 0349 11019-10-18 DH 01:1:01 AA Day of Week: Sun ✹ Hour of Day: 1 Prophetic Biblical Years68881 AA through 69090 AA | Modern Passion Prophetic13226-02-15 AA - 13227-05-20 AA Modern Day/Year Dates13154-03-14 AA - 13154-10-13 AA7 February 2163 NS - 4 September 2163 NS Modern 2009 Quick Replay13001-08-30 NH 02:1:01 AA Modern 2000th Anniversaries13019-10-18 DH 01:1:01AA |
1 Week Later: Doubting Thomas
This hour is a week later, the first day of the second week when the disciples are gathered together again. Famous doubting Thomas.
Prophetic match to latter part of the year after Jesus returns. Everyone who doubted gets to see.
The expression "8th day" means 1 week later, at the same time, since the first day is counted as day 1.