
Looking at just about any interesting problem requires specialized tooling. In the case of Bible Time, the tooling is mostly software. This tab provides a full range of software tooling for understanding time as described in the Bible.

  • Gregorian Calendar Query

    This page provides a cross-calendar tool for querying a month modern Gregorian calendar dates. These dates are also called "New Style" or NS dates for short. (171 words)

  • Julian Calendar Query

    This page provides a cross calendar tool for querying a month of dates on Julian, or 'OS' calendar. (236 words)

  • Bible Calendar (AA) Month Query

    This page provides a cross calendar tool for querying a single month on the Bible's AA Calendar. This measured from Adam, After Adam, or AA, for short. (172 words)

  • Day By Number -- AA Number

    Use this page to look up a day by AA day number. Results are displayed on several other calendars. (162 words)

  • Day By Number -- JD Number

    Use this page to look up a day by Julian Day Number. Results are displayed on various calendars. (143 words)

  • Days In Years

    This form displays how many days are possible when a certain number of Biblical years are known. The number of days in a year average 364.8 days/year. But, exact years are never this length. This variance is because of leap year constraints. (1,320 words)

  • Birthday Calculator

    Given someone's birthday, we can infer some things about someone's life. This page provides the tool for finding someone's "Life Diary" and "Birthday" story. (1,273 words)

  • Clock

    This page gives the definition of the Bible clock. It also explains why each time is displayed as it is and develops a model clock for use with prophecy. (4,407 words)

  • Annual Prophetic Calendar

    This page provides an interactive tool for looking at the timing of the prophetic months within any given year. It also explains the theory involved and how this can be used prophetically. (1,634 words)

  • World Clock

    This page tells time in several ways. Using it you can convert between times given at different times around the world. (164 words)