
Use of precise dates in otherwise imprecise periods of history is one clue that someone is cooking the books. What tolerance should be applied to events?


The base tolerance for all predicted dates on this system is plus or minus at least one day. When we look at the way this works against actual history we see a couple patterns. Often the ends of things, like the end of the USSR happened as much as 10 days early. Most of the time, the exact date in question is the date on which news of the event reaches the western part of the United States, where this site is based.

When a prediction is for a range of dates the tolerance is being widened to include the range, plus the normal tolerance. This occurs because there are either a cluster of underlying dates and I have shortened the prediction for use on the web site or because there really is uncertainty as to the fulfilled date.

Additionally, we see that certain events simply don’t make western news headlines. Sometimes the events don’t make headlines because someone is hiding what happened. Use of Cruise Missiles in the Persian Gulf War is a good example. This was released to the press more than 10 days later, yet their use constituted the major event of the war.

Similarly, events in closed countries, or countries without much western news coverage are often times only seen by historians many years later. This is a problem for trying to track this stuff in real-time. This will be even more of an issue as things unfold.

We must keep in mind that God is behind all of this and if it is important to him he will make sure some news agency picks it up and gets the word out. We trust much of the rest of these events will work this way.