
This chapter contains notes on serious issues when dealing with historical time. This includes the use of zero, date drift and others.

  • Warnings on Zero

    Ancients had no zero digit. They counted time using strictly 1 based counting numbers. Modern Astronomers have introduced a year zero between 1 BC and 1 AD that historians would not have acknowledged. This introduces errors. (635 words)

  • Date Drift

    By changing to a new calendar Pope Gregory began a process that has obscured when events in history actually happened. This is known as "drift" error. (1,154 words)

  • Stable Era

    The calendar stability that we are familiar with today does not go back indefinitely into the past. Before 5 AD it was very unstable. Use of historical dates from before this point has problems. (758 words)

  • Tolerance

    Use of precise dates in otherwise imprecise periods of history is one clue that someone is cooking the books. What tolerance should be applied to events? (443 words)

  • Measuring Days

    Issues on measuring days when a day is given prophetically. (2,163 words)

  • Auditability

    The tools that are available on this website set out to definitively solve a specific problem with accountability and auditability. It helps to understand the problem, and how these tools set out to fix that problem. (2,374 words)

  • Prophetic Ratios

    The Bible is written using a standard set of prophetic time ratios. Knowing those ratios is important because it allows readers to unpack the prophetic meaning of various passages in the bible. This article summarizes the ratios and provides links to supporting articles that define the various ratios. (1,206 words)