Passion Week, Prophetic Replay Hour: 1364

Passion Week As Lived

Passion Week Hour: 1384
Passion Replay Hour: 1364

11019-12-01 DH 04:1:01 AA
14 May 31 OS

Day of Week: Mon

Hour of Day: 4
Time Of Day: AM 09:00:00 TMMT

Prophetic Biblical Years

286231 AA through 286440 AA

Modern Passion Prophetic

14519-11-15 AA - 14521-02-20 AA
29 January 3527 NS - 28 April 3528 NS

Modern Day/Year Dates

13750-01-14 AA - 13750-08-13 AA
10 March 2758 NS - 5 October 2758 NS

Modern 2009 Quick Replay

13005-04-03 DH 08:1:01 AA
2014-04-28 PM 01:00:00 TMMT NS

Modern 2000th Anniversaries

13019-12-01 DH 04:1:01AA
2028-12-08 AM 09:00:00 TMMT NS

50 Days Later: Pentecost

This was 50 days later and it is the last day in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. This is when the power had come.

Notice the near term prophetic dates in 2030 AD in the label above. This is after a strong candidate for loading the New Jerusalem. There may be yet another Pentecost, the currently experience in the spirit being only a taste. This would set the time.