Passion Week, Prophetic Replay Hour: -7
Passion Week As LivedPassion Week Hour: 0013 11019-10-04 DH 01:1:01 AA Day of Week: Sun ✹ Hour of Day: 1 Prophetic Biblical Years-1679 AA through -1470 AA | Modern Passion Prophetic12806-02-09 AA - 12807-05-14 AA Modern Day/Year Dates12960-10-14 AA - 12961-05-13 AA1 December 1969 NS - 28 June 1970 NS Modern 2009 Quick Replay13000-07-30 NH 02:1:01 AA Modern 2000th Anniversaries13019-10-04 DH 01:1:01AA |
Sunrise Hour
This is the first hour of daylight on Sunday of the Triumphal Entry.
No known bible story, but here to place-hold the math.