Passion Week, Prophetic Replay Hour: 48
Passion Week As LivedPassion Week Hour: 0068 11019-10-06 DH 08:1:01 AA Day of Week: Tue ✹ Hour of Day: 8 Prophetic Biblical Years9871 AA through 10080 AA | Modern Passion Prophetic12874-11-09 AA - 12876-02-14 AA Modern Day/Year Dates12992-07-14 AA - 12993-01-13 AA16 July 2001 NS - 10 February 2002 NS Modern 2009 Quick Replay13000-10-08 DH 08:1:01 AA Modern 2000th Anniversaries13019-10-06 DH 08:1:01AA |
Parable of Wicked Vine Dressers
Parable of the Vineyard applies generally at the time of Solomon. Solomon behaves prophetically as a type of Christ. Matches the years 9991-10020 AA and more. The parable is telling a story that stretches across the time of the kings.
Matthew (P)
Mark (P)
Luke (P)
Parable of the Two Sons
This parable matches the northern and southern kingdoms of ancient Israel. The first rebelled at Solomon’s death (see the next parable) but turned around and became faithful, while the southern kingdom became faithless. Matches the next parable in sequence.
Matthew (P)
Wedding Feast Parable
The parable matches ancient Israel, from Solomon (10020 AA) to the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar’s army. It continues with the going out to search on the roads. This matches the departure of Israel from the promised land to all points. The king eventually came, Jesus, but found many who were not dressed correctly.