Dating Jesus’ Baptism
The New Testament chronicles the detailed events in Jesus’ public ministry. Was there a schedule that drove the events? This article shows why this was likely a replay of the historical chronology of the Bible. If so, the past 200 years were particularly important and there are dates still to come.
Jesus’ ministry was a prophetic replay of the chronology of Adam’s race from Adam’s fall to the general resurrection at the end of the age. The chronology of his ministry is confirmed by comparing the various time references in his ministry to the chronology of Adam’s race. Because the two system work identically, the chronology of Jesus’ ministry can be established. From this the dates in history for his ministry can be identified using the standard cross-calendar tools.
Standard Ratio
There are various prophetic ratios used in different situations across the pages of the Bible. Days and years are related prophetically by a 1-to-1 ratio of days and years. When a prophet, say Ezekiel, lays on his side 390 days he is using a 1:1 ratio of days to years indicating events in the national history of his nation.(Ezek 4:5)
Jesus’ uses two different ratios in his public ministry. The first involves the ratio of his earthly days to millennia.(2 Pet 3:8)(Pss 90:4) Using this ratio Jesus’ parables involving days of ministry expand out and become millennium in the history of Adam’s race. All references to days in Jesus’ ministry expand using this ratio.
For Jesus’ overall ministry the ratio is 30:1. The number comes from the price payed to betray Jesus.(Zech 11:12-13) This was also 40 days shy of the number of years Jesus lived. In the application important to the discussion here, Jesus’ overall ministry, from the date of his baptism to his resurrection, followed a 30:1 compression ration. Each day in Jesus overall ministry represented 30 years from the chronology of Adam’s race. This can be shown with an accuracy of under 1 part in 13020.
Four parts make up the time of Jesus’ ministry from his baptism to his resurrection. First, the day of his baptism. Remember, he is reliving history from Adam to the resurrection of Adam’s race.
Jesus’ in Baptism: 1 day
The day of Jesus’ baptism prophetically replayed the first 30 years of Adam’s race. Adam was not old enough to break covenant until he was in his 20th year. This age made him an adult. In later generations this meant that a person could be listed in legal contracts and was old enough to fight in the army. In the case of Adam it meant that he was old enough to break God’s law and suffer consequences.
When Adam broke God’s law he was cast out of heaven down to earth. A "fiery cherubim" literally a fiery bird blocked the way back. This event was prophetically a baptism and at Jesus baptism the spirit descended on Jesus like a dove. Out of heaven came "this is my son in whom I am well pleased."(Luke 3:22) Jesus’ baptism replayed this this fall of Adam" count=" and unlike Adam, Jesus was the son in whom God was well pleased. Only through Jesus, is the sin and fall of Adam atoned for.
Jesus’ in Temptation: 40 days
Next, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness.(Luke 4:2)(Mark 1:13) Those 40 days replayed another period in mankind’s history running at Jesus’ standard 30 years/day. So, 30 years/day * 40 days = 1200 years.
Jesus’ in Ministry: 390 days
Jesus returned to his hometown and got up in the synagogue and read the scroll. He announced the start of the acceptable year of God. (Luke 4:19)(Isa 61:1) His reading began a year of favor from God on the people. Jesus would spend the next year going around doing miracles.
Years are either 360 or 390 days long. In this case it is a year of favor which is a Jubilee so this was the start of a special prophetic Jubilee. Many have written about this. Michael Card even sings about it, "Jesus is our Jubilee..." these thoughts come from this very story in Luke.
The 390 days of the Jubilee are also clocking off historical time, at 30 years/day. So, 390 days * 30 years/day = 11700 years.
Jesus in Tomb: 3 days
His year of public ministry, the year of favor, had its last day on the day of his arrest. He did no more miracles for people from the public after his arrest. He remained mostly silent in court. The trial is not yet the resurrection, which is what all of the New Testament stories prophetically point at.
The 3 days in the tomb also clock by at 30 years/day. So, 3 days * 30 years/day = 90 years.
Summing Up the Time
These four periods add up... 30 + 1200 + 11700 + 90 = 13020 years.
Since these years begin counting at the very start of Adam’s first year they are calendar years in the usual sense. The first day after this interval is 13021-01-01 AA. This date happens to also be 2 January 2030 NS.
This date is a known date and it has a known prophecy. This is exactly 7000 years after Noah came out of the Noah’s ark. The ark story is a prophetic story pointing ahead. Noah had ridden out a world destroying apocalypse.
In Noah’s case he came out of the ark and looked around in the world and no one from the pre-flood world was to be found. It was completely gone.
At the resurrection of Jesus, the women went looking for Jesus and found the tomb empty which is what happens across a few years before this date. The empty tomb was seen only by a limited few and is a parable for manuscript recovery, beyond out scope here.
Charting the Ministry Year
Jesus’ ministry year followed the chronological parts spelled out above. The end of his ministry was resurrection Sunday, March 25, 31 AD. This is the day immediately after the 3 days Jesus’ in the tomb. (When they went to anoint Jesus’ body on that Sunday morning they could not find him because he had already risen. He was not in the tomb on Sunday.
Resurrection Sunday | ||||
Sun | 11019-10-11 AA | 23 Mar 31 NS | 25 Mar 784 AUC | 4019621 AAN |
1519-10-11 FE | 25 Mar 31 OS | 25 Mar 31 AD | 1732464 JDN |
The start of the three days in the tomb was three days before. Jesus was crucified and buried on Thursday. The fraction of a day that he was in the tomb that day counts towards the 3 days that Jesus is in the tomb.
Note also that Jesus’ trial began just after sundown the evening before. By sun up he was hung on the cross and spent the better part of the day on the cross. This is part of the first day "in the tomb" when he was not in his ministry year and unable to perform miracles.
First Day in Tomb | ||||
Thu | 11019-10-08 AA | 20 Mar 31 NS | 22 Mar 784 AUC | 4019618 AAN |
1519-10-08 FE | 22 Mar 30 OS | 22 Mar 31 AD | 1732461 JDN |
390 days before is when he got up and read in the synagogue. Luke records that Jesus announced this ministry time on a Sabbath.(Luke 4:16) Sabbaths fall on Saturday. This is likely the day he stood up and read. As an important check that the math is being done correctly, the following report indicates this first day of the 390 days of ministry was a Sabbath.
First day in Ministry | ||||
Sat | 11018-09-08 AA | 23 Feb 30 NS | 25 Feb 783 AUC | 4019228 AAN |
1518-09-08 FE | 25 Feb 29 OS | 25 Feb 30 AD | 1732071 JDN |
His temptation lasted 40 days. Those days preceded the ministry year. The following is the date 40 days before.
First day in Temptation | ||||
Mon | 11018-07-28 AA | 14 Jan 30 NS | 16 Jan 783 AUC | 4019188 AAN |
1518-07-28 FE | 16 Jan 29 OS | 16 Jan 30 AD | 1732031 JDN |
Finally, the day of Jesus’ baptism is 1 day earlier still. The following report indicates the date.
Jesus’ Baptism | ||||
Sun | 11018-07-27 AA | 13 Jan 30 NS | 15 Jan 783 AUC | 4019187 AAN |
1518-07-27 FE | 15 Jan 29 OS | 15 Jan 30 AD | 1732030 JDN |
This date has not particular significance as it is just a mid-January day in the middle of January in the year 30 AD. But, this date is the start of a year of ministry.
Jesus' Ascension
Jesus' ministry was replaying history at 30 historical years to his ministry day. That pace prophetically maps across all of human history since Adam.
After Resurrection Sunday, Jesus appeared to his disciples across a period of 40 more days. So if we take our earlier summation, but add 40 more days future we have another 1200 years to be tacked onto the story.
30 + 1200 + 11700 + 90 + 1200 = 14220 years.
So there is a future era in human history, over 1200 years future to this writing, when Jesus' ascension is the parable for events in that era.
Jesus was most likely being taken back to Eden. So as a parable this could be the human race, as a whole, finds or reconnects with Eden.
Further Work
This article is showing that the ministry year between Jesus' Baptism and resurrection overlays the end of his life. 434 days, so 434 years. This fills in a gap in the historical timeline.
This article also shows that this period is a prophetic overlay against the entire timeline. So the missing gap between the testaments is a rerun of history.
Because this ministry year overlays history, but longer, out to 13020, it also means that the passion week time is a highly detailed chronology of a roughly 210 year period from the 1820s through the end of the 2020s.
Further work will show the 3 hours of darkness in passion week overlay the worst parts of World War II. These are topics for later in our story.