Enoch and Jesus’ Age 12 Visit to the Temple

Jesus’ life was a day-for-year repetition of the chronology of the old testament. The only time mentioned as an event in Jesus’ life and in the historical chronology is the age 12 visit to the temple, this pairs with Enoch’s ascension. Together the two stories provide the date of Jesus’ visit to the temple. This article explores.


As explored in an earlier article, the birth date for Jesus was on February 17, 1 AD. The following is the date report for that date:

Jesus’ Birthday
Fri10989-08-29 AA16 Feb 1 NS17 Feb 754 AUC4008629 AAN
1489-08-29 FE18 Feb 0 OS17 Feb 1 AD1721472 JDN

This date began the life of Jesus on earth. The end of his life, the crucifixion, was 10,989 days later. The following is the report:

Jesus’ Crucifixion
Thu11019-10-08 AA20 Mar 31 NS22 Mar 784 AUC4019618 AAN
1519-10-08 FE22 Mar 30 OS22 Mar 31 AD1732461 JDN

This difference in day numbers matches the year number After Adam of the birth of Jesus. This suggests Jesus’ birth was a prophetic replay of the fall of Adam with Jesus’ death on a cross was a replay of his birth. This itself was a replay of the fall, so the stories suggest what we know from standard orthodoxy: Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us, and died, in order to take on himself the sins of mankind. He did this chronologically following the original story.

The Mid-Life Visit to the Temple

What we look at here is the only life event recorded in the New Testament that happened in the middle of Jesus’ life. That event was his age 12 visit to the temple. The following is the passage were that visit is described.

21When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. 22And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. 24Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. Genesis 5:21-24
(Genesis 5:21-24 NIV)

The last verse in this account is key, God took him away. This is the earliest account of an ascension given in the Bible. Hebrews adds details:

5By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. Hebrews 11:5-6
(Hebrews 11:5 NIV)

The key here is that Enoch was translated or taken up from the earth, in other words he was taken to heaven this is what going into the temple is symbolic for. In Enoch’s case he appears to actually entered into heaven itself.

There are two important parallels between Jesus’ temple visit and Enoch’s temple visit:

  • Neither Found Jesus could not be found in the company of Jesus’ traveling companions. Enoch could not be found either. (Presumably Enoch could not be found anywhere on earth.)

  • In the temple Jesus was found in the temple in Jerusalem, while Enoch was found in the temple in heaven. (Or, at least, in heaven itself. Perhaps not all the way into the temple itself in heaven. There are theological debates on just what happened to Enoch.) The details are not important to this point, the symbolism is the same.

Running Out the Specific Date

The year number of Enoch’s disappearance is likely the day-number within Jesus’ life of when Jesus’ remained behind at the temple. The date number within Jesus’ life can be computed by adding 4270 days to the first day of Jesus’ life. The math is this: 4008629 AAN + 4270 = 4012899 AAN. The report is this:

Specific Date for Jesus’ age 12
Visit to the Temple
Fri11001-04-09 AA26 Oct 12 NS28 Oct 765 AUC4012899 AAN
1501-04-09 FE28 Oct 12 OS28 Oct 12 AD1725742 JDN


This is in October of the year, and not exactly what we would expect if this was a really a Passover trip to Jerusalem. So this alignment is suspect given the simple text of the Bible. This could have been one of the other undated trips or perhaps a Tabernacles trip.

This is beyond the exact millennium date that might be the expected point for this visit. But, date in question is not unknown to the charts, it adds yet another detail that matters.

The Month and Day of the Visit

By inspection on the previous report it can be seen that the Bible Calendar month is 4 and the day is 9. This date is important because it maps to an exact date in the history of ancient Israel. It is the date that Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army broke through the city walls and entered into the temple. The following is the account:

2And on the ninth day of the fourth month of Zedekiah's eleventh year, the city wall was broken through. 3Then all the officials of the king of Babylon came and took seats in the Middle Gate: Nergal-Sharezer of Samgar, Nebo-Sarsekim a chief officer, Nergal-Sharezer a high official and all the other officials of the king of Babylon. 4When Zedekiah king of Judah and all the soldiers saw them, they fled; they left the city at night by way of the king's garden, through the gate between the two walls, and headed toward the Arabah. 5But the Babylonian army pursued them and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho. They captured him and took him to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he pronounced sentence on him. Jeremiah 39:5-7
(Jeremiah 39:2-5 NIV)

By inspection on the master charts the year of this invasion was 10409 AA, so the following date report indicates the day the armies first entered Jerusalem, and presumably the temple.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Army breaks
Jerusalem’s Walls
Sat10409-04-09 AA7 Jul -579 NS8 Mai 159 AUC3796929 AAN
909-04-09 FE13 Jul -579 OS8 Mai 595 BC1509772 JDN

This 4th month, 9th day entry into the temple matches Jesus’ visit into the temple at the same time.

Ash Wednesday

We continue to look at details dealing with the dates of events in the New Testament. The next issue is the memory of Jesus' birthday, the holiday known as Ash Wednesday.