
This chapter has a series of reports that look carefully at some time related question in some Bible passage.

  • Report on Jesus' 2000th Anniversary Dates

    This article works out the anniversaries of the main dates of Jesus. These dates appear to inform may key dates across the 2020s. (1,697 words)

  • Report on when the Kings of ancient Israel Reigned

    The kings of ancient Judah were under David’s covenant. Covenants are usually measured with their own calendar, starting at the day the covenant starts. It may be that the king’s reigns are given as covenant time, rather than calendar time. This report indicates this is quite possible with Judah’s kings but not with Israel’s. The math for Judah’s kings works out correctly to the day across more than 400 years. (597 words)

  • Kings Table Prophetic Jubilees

    Each of the ancient Judean Kings appears prophetic as an indicator for some event in the history of one of the ancient tribes. This article introduces the topic. (934 words)

  • King's Lives

    The lives of kings appear to have special prophetic uses in the main timeline. This article provides details. (2,456 words)

  • Report on Exodus Census Counts

    The future history of the people of ancient Israel is occasionally seen chronologically in the counts found in the Bible. Once such place is the counts at the Exodus. These counts map to the number of days in 3500 years, a match to the 70 jubilees the world is now finishing. There are some detailed issues. This page explains and provides interactive tool for exploring. (1,845 words)

  • Passion

    This page lists all the reports from across the Passion Week Harmony. It provides reports for every single hour so prophetic dates can be studied across the modern passion replay series. (1,003 words)

  • Creation Week Math

    There are a variety of ways that the creation week chronology can be charted. This article explores one such way. Where each "day" or age, in the creation story is a year of days where each day is 1000 years. (478 words)

  • Research Report on 1 Chronicles 9

    This passage helps identify important points in world history. The three indicated here are the rise of the Christian Church at Rome, the Rise of Christianity in Russia and first war after Israel’s independence in 1956. (411 words)

  • Hiram’s gift of 120 Talents of Gold to Solomon

    Hiram gave Solomon 120 Talents of Gold. That gift points at the timing of the gift of gold in the New Testament, the gift of the Magi to Joseph and Mary. This report explores the math. (595 words)

  • Elijah, Obadiah and the Bull on Mount Carmel

    Elijah’s offering on mount Carmel suggests a chronological story. This article explores. (490 words)

  • Research Report on 1 Kings 19

    There are various counts of things buried in the Bible’s story. One such story is in 1 Kings 19, where God reserves 7000 for himself. One such placement is as 7000 modern days, as shown here. Note: 7000 Historical days is more likely than this rendering. (350 words)

  • Research Report on 1 Kings 20

    1 Kings 20 is another chapter with large counts given in the story. This report suggests a possible modern placement. Since being written my sense of the starting epochs has changed. Left here as an example of how this might be done. (362 words)

  • Jesus’ Ministry Year

    The ratio of 30 historical years to 1 day is the ratio that reveals Jesus’s schedule across his ministry year. The schedule revealed by this ratio appeared to give the dates for the important events across Jesus’ year of ministry. (896 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 2

    The sacrifice given by Solomon at the dedication of the temple appears to indicate the length of time the temple would stand. Since the exact date of his dedication is unknown, we start at the end of Solomon’s temple and work backwards to suggest the dedication date. The math suggests this works. (551 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 12

    The wars between Israel, Judah, and surrounding peoples generate a form of census count that appears prophetic for events in future time. This page explores an Egyptian attack against Judah. (602 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 13

    The large counts of people found in the Bible are often prophetic for large intervals of time. This report looks at a time when the Northern Kingdom lost 500,000 men. The prophetic interval points at the early 400s when Rome was attacked. (268 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 14

    The large counts of people found in the Bible are often prophetic for large intervals of time. This report looks at a time when Judah defended itself from Ethiopians. (491 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 17

    The large counts of people found in the Bible are often prophetic for large intervals of time. This report looks at a time when Judah grew strong under the reign of Jehoshaphat. (597 words)

  • Research Report on Second Chronicles 35

    Josiah’s year 18 Passover animals suggest a prophetic offset to a full sacrifice. This report runs the math. (325 words)

  • Research Report on Second Samuel 24, David’s Evil Census

    In Second Samuel chapter 24 God's anger against Israel and Judah causes the him to incite David against Israel and Judah by causing David to conduct a census. This brought the country under wrath as the king was not to do this without collecting a tax. This chapter contains a set of numbers that predict a series of events in the future history of the world. We look at the math here. (1,667 words)

  • Research Report on 12 Years

    This report shows how running 12 years across a Jubilee is impacted by the longer years in the 49th and 50th years. (1,650 words)

  • Research Report on 150 Months

    This report shows off 150 months. The on the ground time for a run through Psalms. (571 words)

  • Solomon’s temple Dedication

    Solomon sacrificed a very large number of animals at his temple dedication. Those counts seem to point across the age. This report shows the math. (472 words)

  • Research Report on Ezekiel’s Dates

    There are different ways to track the specific dates given by the prophet Ezekiel. One way is to assume they all offset from their historical period to the modern era. If so the stories indicate dates beginning in April, 2002. This report explains and reveals the modern dates indicated. (960 words)

  • Fractal Math

    Is history described with a fractal? Day-for-a-year repetition, seen now in the headlines and in ancient times with the life of Jesus, might be the evidence of fractal math behind the story. This article explores. This is a big report. (281 words)

  • Report on Israel as a person

    Birthdays are interesting. If they are time as a "bond man" would could them, then the date of birth begins a new calendar. The following report does that for the nation of Israel. (395 words)

  • Research Report on King David’s Life

    King David was exceptional in the story of the ancient Kings. He is the only king who reigned over all Israel who’s life length is given in the Bible. The other kings, who’s life length is given, reigned over Judah or Israel alone. David is prophetic for Jesus’ reign. (439 words)

  • Psalms

    This page is built on a hunch. Does the 150 psalms match the 144,000 at 1 psalm per thousand? The 144,000 have a 6,000 day "halo" that extends another 6000 days. This sums to 150,000 days and suggests strongly that Psalms is an overlay to the tribes, with a lot more coverage. This page explores the details, and gives enough evidence to support the thought. (1,415 words)

  • Revelation 7

    Revelation Chapter 7 contains one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. Someone, or something, of a count of 144,000 are sealed. What does that mean? Something to do with time, of course. In this case 144,000 days. It also provides the foundation for finding each of the tribes named in the chapter. This report provides the dates indicated by the story. (518 words)

  • Early Revelation 7

    This report is a natural companion to the previous Revelation 7 report. It backs up 2550 years for each of the known Revelation dates. Did this happen in history? (309 words)

  • Revelation 8

    This report is based on the Revelation 7 report that establishes the dates for the seals of Revelation chapter 7. In that earlier report the 7th seal is given a date. From here, the Revelation chapter 8 dialog sets out a chronological riddle. This page attempts to give the dates. (1,672 words)

  • Same Date Synchronization

    There are various times when the 30 day Bible calendar has month and day numbers that are the same as a current Gregorian Calendar. (271 words)

  • Long Replay, later called Tier 3

    Introduction to the Tier 3 series of prophetic dates. This is used in the charts. (1,703 words)

  • Tier4 Dates

    This article covers the math for a possible 4th tier. It is inconclusive and has not yet made it onto the charts. (1,433 words)