Does Time End?

Many things in the creation wear out and die. Time, though, is not one of these. A clear reference in the Psalms explains that time does not end.

Does time end? No.

Several variations on this theme involve questions like, "Is there not going to be an end of time?" Or this, "Time started, at some point, and will end also.". No.

The best scripture answer for this question is this:

23In the course of my life he broke my strength; he cut short my days. Psalms 102:2324So I said: "Do not take me away, O my God, in the midst of my days; your years go on through all generations. 25In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Psalms 102:24-2526They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. Psalms 102:2627But you remain the same, and your years will never end. Psalms 102:2728The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you." Psalms 102:28
(Psalms 102:23-28 NIV)

Stated clearly, God’s years go on without end.

When we come into his kingdom, neither do ours.

The issue, that is soon to end, is the trap of time, which is death. Time brings each of us to death. Why? Simply because time passes, we age and die.

For those under the blood of Christ, this end of the body is not our end. We can live forever with him if we want. He certainly wants that. All we have to do is believe him and accept that he has offered that to each of us through his work on the Cross.

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Recent Bible Time research has made quite clear that the Human Race is being developed into a member of God’s family generally. The "1000 Generation" references that appear in the Old Testament are likely referencing a 19,000 year period when the race has not yet reached maturity and is not yet fit to fight in God’s army.

That 19,000 year period is structured symmetrically about the Exodus from Egypt, 9,500 years from Adam. The race is currently passing through the events surrounding the millennium break at the year 13,000. For all practical purposes it is safe to say there is another 6,000 years of future history, and those 6000 years simply precede "adulthood" for Adam’s race.

It is also quite safe to say that the return of Jesus is not the central focus of the New Testament account of our part of the age. The central focus is the general resurrection from the dead. The return of Jesus is part of a 20 year period when the dead shall be raised and the human race generally starts to get an adult mind. The thought that the return of Jesus is a punctual date when all will end is quite foolish. From the perspective of God’s millennia this period will be fast, like a trumpet sounding. But, it still lasts 20 years.

People making choices about their lives should not think that since we’re close to his return we should not do things "normal" in other parts of the age. This includes major choices like marriage, college and career. Indeed, Jesus returns in order to take over the reigns of a world government. He will then drive that government to the task of raising the dead. The more equipped you are at making that happen the better. You don’t help matters by thinking or saying the nearness of Jesus’ return stops normal life. It does not.