Research Report on King David’s Life

King David was exceptional in the story of the ancient Kings. He is the only king who reigned over all Israel who’s life length is given in the Bible. The other kings, who’s life length is given, reigned over Judah or Israel alone. David is prophetic for Jesus’ reign.


King David was special among the King’s of Israel in that he is the only king to have lived a complete 70 years. This king is also special in that he, along with his son Solomon are the only two who rule over the entire kingdom. The descendants of Solomon, beginning with Rehoboam only rule over two tribes of Israel, not all 12.

If we take David’s life story and map it to Jubilees we get the following report:

King David’s Prophetic Dates
Epoch: Exodus
Tue9501-01-15 AA29 May -1486 NS21 Apr 912 BAUC3465615 AAN
1-01-15 FE11 Jun -1486 OS21 Apr 1665 BC1178458 JDN
Forward From Epoch 30 Jubilees
1 jubilee/year until reign at Hebron
Fri11001-01-15 AA3 Aug 12 NS5 Aug 765 AUC4012815 AAN
1501-01-15 FE5 Aug 12 OS5 Aug 12 AD1725658 JDN
If days fraction in year then add 30 * 30 = 900 days
Tue11003-07-15 AA20 Jan 15 NS22 Jan 768 AUC4013715 AAN
1503-07-15 FE22 Jan 14 OS22 Jan 15 AD1726558 JDN
Forward From Epoch 37 Jubilees
1 jubilee/year until reign at Jerusalem
Fri11351-01-15 AA2 Mar 362 NS1 Mar 1115 AUC4140495 AAN
1851-01-15 FE1 Mar 361 OS1 Mar 362 AD1853338 JDN
If days are months, the 6 mos * 30 = 5400 days
Mon11365-11-15 AA13 Dec 376 NS12 Dec 1129 AUC4145895 AAN
1865-11-15 FE12 Dec 376 OS12 Dec 376 AD1858738 JDN
Forward From Epoch 70 Jubilees
1 jubilee/year for total life
Tue13001-01-15 AA2 Mar 2010 NS17 Feb 2763 AUC4742415 AAN
3501-01-15 FE17 Feb 2009 OS17 Feb 2010 AD2455258 JDN
If days are months, then 30 days * 30 days/day = 900 days
Sat13003-07-15 AA18 Aug 2012 NS5 Aug 2765 AUC4743315 AAN
3503-07-15 FE5 Aug 2012 OS5 Aug 2012 AD2456158 JDN

This pattern is hitting key times in Jesus’ reign over earth itself.

11,001 is the first year of the 12th millennium and Jesus would visit the temple when he was age 12 in this year. In this Jubilee Jesus would be resurrected.

361 OS is when Christianity was taking root in Rome. Just as David’s reign was in Hebron and then then over all Israel from Jerusalem, so too, would Jesus’ reign shift from Jerusalem to Rome, and it did so on this schedule.

The last 2 dates are in our generation, just after the millennium break in 2010.