Noah Dates

This article explains the dating of an important modern prophetic replay of Noah.

The story of Noah's flood involves a specific reference made to Noah about the timing of the flood. The verse provides a prediction for a date in the modern era when there will be a prophetic equivalent to Noah's ancient flood. The 7000th anniversary date from Noah's ancient flood does not stand alone. The 2000th anniversary of Jesus' ascension lands about 70 days ahead. Indeed, those 2 dates are themselves preceded by several hundred additional dates that span roughly 30 years. All are based on anniversaries of ancient dates. In order to catalog and track all of these dates I've opened this section of the site and call it "Noah Dates" since Noah's prediction is the grand-daddy of the set.

I've opened this section in October of 2009, and will be flushing it out as time allows over the following months. The key dates are 20 years away, so be patient as this section grows.

The General Math

When Jesus was 12 years old he traveled with his family to Jerusalem. This was their custom, they did this every year. In that particular year Jesus remained behind while his family returned home to Nazareth. After some time on the road they found that Jesus was missing, so they returned to Jerusalem to find him. On the 3rd day they did and at that point there is a remarkable admission by Jesus:

49"Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" Luke 2:49-50
(Luke 2:49 NIV)

Elsewhere on the website we explore the setting of this date in history. The peculiar nature of this particular year was because it was the millennium break in his lifetime. It was the start of millennium 12, which was also his age.

Because Jesus was reliving the Bible's time line since Adam we can also learn that this was a replay of Enoch's ascension, when Enoch left the planet never to be seen again. Jesus likely did the same, though of course in Jesus' case he did return. What he did on that trip becomes subject matter for later in his ministry. This is why he told his parents that he had been in his "Father's House." Not the temple in Jerusalem where he was found, but in a house that was the same place Enoch visited.

Finally, Luke's account gives a tantalizing detail that informs Jesus' general life time line. He'll be found on the 3rd day after being searched for by his family. With Jesus a day is like 1000 years, so this millennium based story is indicating that we should be looking for Jesus on millennium based anniversaries.

Other scripture parallel to this reference suggests that the 2000th anniversaries of the known dates in Jesus' life matter to his eventual appearing and return. Of course not many life dates are known about Jesus. We know his birth era dates, we know his age 12 dates and we know the dates surrounding his public ministry. Since we also know the calendar we can sketch out the anniversaries and watch for any related headlines.


Jesus' life is itself a replay of the time line from Adam. The math is pretty simple, Jesus lived 1 day for each year in the Bible's trunk time line. This is in part why we know what he was up to with his age 12 exploits.

We also know that his ministry, and his passion week, were also replays of the truck time line. In those cases the ratios are faster. 30 years to the day across his ministry, and 210 years to the hour across passion. These ratios provide a series of accounts that are interwoven, with the Bible's truck time line as the skeleton for the various accounts of things Jesus did as recorded for us in the Gospels.

Within that skeletal structure the Psalms provide the spine for weaving the stories together. Beginning on the day when Jesus read the Isaiah scroll and announced the start of a year of public ministry, there is also a prophetic replay of the Psalms. Those Psalms run at a ratio of 1 Psalm every 60 hours, every 2.5 days, and span most of Jesus' public ministry.

Because the various accounts of Jesus' life fold together, we can also show that the Psalms thus hit in against Jesus' life at a pace of 1 Psalm every 75 days.

In order to verify any anniversary pattern to Jesus' life and dates we can watch world headlines and check for Psalm fulfillments. There should be a candidate every 75 days and they should run for total 11,250 days. So even though we have skimpy life narrative, we can use the Psalms as a test against the hypothesis that the anniversaries matter, and when we have the Psalm's reasonably documented we can thus confirm the general nature of this strategy. As we get to the key anniversaries in his life we will thus have a track record to support the rest of the work.

What is Here

Articles in this section of the website are designed to document specific dates that are computed from anniversaries. Those are the anniversaries of Jesus' life dates and the anniversaries of Noah's flood. The Psalms provide the skeletal structure for Jesus' life and thus fills in many more dates to in order to scan headlines for a pattern.